I rarely do New Year's resolutions, they're usually stupid stuff that you're not gonna follow through with anyway. But, despite this, I've gotta a few things I want to do next year. They're not all true resolutions, but rather things to accomplish in the coming year.
1) Work out more often. 1 or 2 times a week outside of frisbee. This one's pretty cliche', but it's something I should actually do. It looks like I'll have some more time next semester, maybe I'll actually be able to get my ass out of bed to go running in the morning.
2) Write more. This shouldn't be a problem since I'll probably be writing constantly for class.
3) Follow through with my study abroad plans. (In case this doesn't happen... anyone need a roommate 2nd semester?)
4) Become more culturally literate. Watch more movies, listen to more music. Read more.
5) Post to this blog more often. Try to articulate my opinions through writing.
6) Conversely, waste less time sitting at my computer. This is probably the biggest one. When I'm in my room, I rarely leave the computer. I want to be a little less connected. A little more unplugged.
7) Sample the million different restaraunts in Madison.
8) Have a real job this summer. I've got a few things in mind, and it'd be a first.
We'll see if I actually follow through with this stuff. If anything, hopefully I can actually work out more and be on my computer less, the other stuff should be easier if those things happen.
I'll be in Madison through the weekend, watching badger hockey, badger football, and hanging out with awesome kids.