Feingold is blogging, kindof
Sen. Feingold wrote his first blog post on MyDD.com and then DailyKos.com Thursday. He wrote about his work on several issues such as the Patriot Act and Campaign Finance. In particular he addressed his concern with the FEC's proposal to limit the free speech of bloggers by not allowing them to link to the websites of political candidates, calling it an unfair campaign contribution. Other media outlets are exempt from this kind of censorship and blogs should fall under that umbrella.
Feingold is one of the first senators to reach out to the blogging community and has gotten favorable reactions. Both sites received plenty of reader comments supporting Feingold (many calling him to run for President in 2008). Feingold even took the time to post a response to the many comments. He also pledged to continue blogging in the future.
Just one of the many reasons Feingold kicks ass.
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